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- 波点音乐 v4.7.1音乐播放软件波点音乐 v4.7.1
- Walkie Talkie v3.2.2类似于电台的社交聊天软件Walkie Talkie v3.2.2
- Mindbody v7.76.0美容和健康体验预订平台Mindbody v7.76.0
- Eato® v1.3.4跟踪和膳食计划来管理体重健康Eato® v1.3.4
- 新氧青春 v10.1.0医疗美容类应用新氧青春 v10.1.0
- Azar v6.5.01对1在线视频聊天Azar v6.5.0
- HobbyHobby,潮流文化共创社区。通过线上线下一体化的玩法,为Z世代年轻人打造一个亚文化圈层高质量社交平台。Hobby相信:潮流不是“物”,而是“Do”,让年轻人创造和探索自己的潮流宇宙。Hobby
- 小宇宙 v2.49小宇宙·一起听播客, 简单好用的播客工具小宇宙 v2.49
小宇宙·一起听播客, 简单好用的播客工具
- Insight Timer v17.3.6Meditate & SleepInsight Timer v17.3.6
Meditate & Sleep
- Curio v7.22.2FT, WSJ, The EconomistCurio v7.22.2
FT, WSJ, The Economist
- Endel v4.25以声音之力帮您专注、放松和入眠。 Endel 创造了专为支持您每日生活的 AI 驱动之声。它以科学为后盾,受到全球数百万人的喜爱。Endel v4.25
以声音之力帮您专注、放松和入眠。 Endel 创造了专为支持您每日生活的 AI 驱动之声。它以科学为后盾,受到全球数百万人的喜爱。
- Me+ v1.4.7Daily Routine PlannerMe+ v1.4.7
Daily Routine Planner
- IDAGIO v1.48.5IDAGIO is the leading streaming app for classical music with the unique Fair Artist Payout Model, over 2 million tracks, exclusive video concerts, the latest releases and personalized recommendations.IDAGIO v1.48.5
IDAGIO is the leading streaming app for classical music with the unique Fair Artist Payout Model, over 2 million tracks, exclusive video concerts, the latest releases and personalized recommendations.
- Uber EatsUber Eats 优食在世界各地为您提供餐点派送服务Uber Eats
Uber Eats 优食在世界各地为您提供餐点派送服务
- Cats & Dogs Weather v1.7.4《萌宠天气》为你打造独特体验。虚拟宠物的结合让查看日常天气的方式变得轻松愉悦!Cats & Dogs Weather v1.7.4
- ASOS v4.94.0The ASOS app is home to more than 850 brands, over 85,000 products, free delivery and return options.ASOS v4.94.0
The ASOS app is home to more than 850 brands, over 85,000 products, free delivery and return options.
- Lotus Flow v4.4.4作为Lotus Flow团队,我们提供特别的瑜伽、健身和正念体验。不管您是新手或有经验,您将与来自世界各地经验丰富的瑜伽导师一起练习。这里有数百课程和技能课来帮助您改善柔韧性、力量和平衡轮脉,或者任何您当前生活中需要的练习。也可以通过健身课程来燃烧卡路里或塑造肌肉。跟我们一些练习来变得更好、更健康及更平衡吧。Lotus Flow v4.4.4
作为Lotus Flow团队,我们提供特别的瑜伽、健身和正念体验。不管您是新手或有经验,您将与来自世界各地经验丰富的瑜伽导师一起练习。这里有数百课程和技能课来帮助您改善柔韧性、力量和平衡轮脉,或者任何您当前生活中需要的练习。也可以通过健身课程来燃烧卡路里或塑造肌肉。跟我们一些练习来变得更好、更健康及更平衡吧。
- stoic. v2023.7Every day stoic prepares bite-sized mental exercises and fragments from books that will help you feel better and deal with obstacles you facestoic. v2023.7
Every day stoic prepares bite-sized mental exercises and fragments from books that will help you feel better and deal with obstacles you face
- 京东养车 v2.1.2京东养车是京东旗下专业汽车养护连锁门店京东养车 v2.1.2
- 懒饭 v2.3.2懒饭,专注出品适合新手的零失败视频菜谱懒饭 v2.3.2
- Bolt Food v1.33.0Order your favourite dishes to your doorstep with the Bolt Food delivery appBolt Food v1.33.0
Order your favourite dishes to your doorstep with the Bolt Food delivery app
- DoorDash v5.6.0Delivery anywhere you are. DoorDash offers the greatest online selection of your favorite restaurants and stores facilitating delivery of freshly prepared meals, fresh groceries, alcohol, household essentials, and more directly to you.DoorDash v5.6.0
Delivery anywhere you are. DoorDash offers the greatest online selection of your favorite restaurants and stores facilitating delivery of freshly prepared meals, fresh groceries, alcohol, household essentials, and more directly to you.
- Bolt v83.0Use your smartphone to order a ride, get picked up by a nearby driver, and enjoy a low-cost trip to your destination.Bolt v83.0
Use your smartphone to order a ride, get picked up by a nearby driver, and enjoy a low-cost trip to your destination.
- Bonjour v10.18.0一款交通出行类APPBonjour v10.18.0
- Citymapper v10.58.4香港、新加坡公交搜寻神器Citymapper v10.58.4
- Expedia v23.7Expedia App 是你的一站式旅遊好幫手,幫你快速搜尋行程,輕鬆節省旅費!Expedia v23.7
Expedia App 是你的一站式旅遊好幫手,幫你快速搜尋行程,輕鬆節省旅費!
- Grab v5.241.0使用 Grab (前称GrabTaxi/ MyTeksi)让您瞬间得以寻获一个安全又可靠的搭车之旅Grab v5.241.0
使用 Grab (前称GrabTaxi/ MyTeksi)让您瞬间得以寻获一个安全又可靠的搭车之旅
- Hopper v7.29.1Hopper 应用程序已帮助超过 7000 万名旅客在每一次旅行预订中找到最实惠的机票、酒店、住宿和租车服务。Hopper v7.29.1
Hopper 应用程序已帮助超过 7000 万名旅客在每一次旅行预订中找到最实惠的机票、酒店、住宿和租车服务。
- Lyft v7.75.3Get where you’re going with Lyft.Lyft v7.75.3
Get where you’re going with Lyft.
- Solid Starts v2.1.1Learn how to safely introduce more than 200 foods to baby.Solid Starts v2.1.1
Learn how to safely introduce more than 200 foods to baby.
- TfL Go v1.36.1Travel confidently around London with maps and live travel updates on our official TfL app. Check live arrival times for Tube, London Overground, DLR, TfL Rail and Thameslink trains as well as Trams and Emirates Air LineTfL Go v1.36.1
Travel confidently around London with maps and live travel updates on our official TfL app. Check live arrival times for Tube, London Overground, DLR, TfL Rail and Thameslink trains as well as Trams and Emirates Air Line
- 遇见小面遇见小面点餐小程序遇见小面
- 画音 v4.22.0用最简单的,记录最真实的。画音,拍你自己的故事画音 v4.22.0
- 积目 v5.4.91「积目」兴趣。交友。约会。专属年轻人的社交平台积目 v5.4.91
- 最后一卷胶片 v2.20能实时预览的复古胶片相机App最后一卷胶片 v2.20
- Blogilates v1.6.1Body by Blogilates: designed to get you toned at home with workouts that are not only super effective, but super fun :)Blogilates v1.6.1
Body by Blogilates: designed to get you toned at home with workouts that are not only super effective, but super fun :)
- FARFETCH v2.51.1全球时尚电商搜索引擎,旨在将品牌、买手店与时尚爱好者紧密连结FARFETCH v2.51.1
- Headspace v3.253.0Stress less, sleep soundly, and get happier. Headspace is everyday mindfulness and meditation, so you can make mindfulness a daily habit and be kind to your mind. Learn how to relax, manage stress, find your focus, and release tension in both the mind andHeadspace v3.253.0
Stress less, sleep soundly, and get happier. Headspace is everyday mindfulness and meditation, so you can make mindfulness a daily habit and be kind to your mind. Learn how to relax, manage stress, find your focus, and release tension in both the mind and
- ICY v4.10.11ICY为全球设计师“出版”创意,依托智能供给打造设计新生态。ICY v4.10.11
- LADDER v1.20.3Ladder is the fitness app for people who are serious about strength trainingLADDER v1.20.3
Ladder is the fitness app for people who are serious about strength training
- Massimo Dutti v9.66.0女性电商品牌Massimo Dutti v9.66.0
- Tagoo v1.6.8Tagoo是青年文化专属场域,【多元】【同频】【BeReal】是我们强调的品牌调性和用户文化,青年文化者可以在Tagoo根据自己的兴趣标签找到同频的他人。Tagoo v1.6.8
- 比心 v9.11.0比心APP拥有众多电竞指导大神,一键找到好听的声音,有趣有技术,带你默契上分!找英雄联盟、王者荣耀、和平精英、永劫无间、绝地求生电竞指导,就上比心APP!比心 v9.11.0
- AllTrails v18.6.1GPS 远足和自行车道地图AllTrails v18.6.1
GPS 远足和自行车道地图
- 盒DAN v1.2聚集摄影达人的潮玩社区盒DAN v1.2
- 京东金融 v6.5.70京东金融以智能化、内容化为核心能力,与银行、保险公司、基金公司等金融机构,共同为用户提供专业、安全的个人金融服务京东金融 v6.5.70
- 盯潮 v3.1.0发售日历球鞋监控原价抢鞋神器盯潮 v3.1.0
- 波点音乐 v2.9.13千万音乐曲库,网罗各种音乐大咖波点音乐 v2.9.1
- Gotta Yoga v4.1.1Poses, Hatha, Vinyasa & YinGotta Yoga v4.1.1
Poses, Hatha, Vinyasa & Yin
- 唱吧 v11.30.2在唱吧,用唱歌随时随地释放情绪,记录音乐、记录生活。唱吧 v11.30.2
- 耳萌 v2.8.6年轻人都在玩的声音互动娱乐平台耳萌 v2.8.6
- Soul v4.58.1Soul是一款深受年轻人喜爱的社交APP,这里的人真实,有趣。Soul v4.58.1
- 有钱花 v6.7.0“有钱花”是度小满信贷服务平台,利用人工智能和大数据风控技术,为用户提供方便、快捷、安心的借款服务。有钱花 v6.7.0
- 度小满 v8.3.0度小满是综合类金融服务平台,面向大众提供互联网消费信贷服务、优质的理财服务和安心的保险服务。度小满 v8.3.0
- 豆瓣FM v6.0.13豆瓣FM,最懂你的个性化音乐服务,既可以让你在私人电台里与喜欢的音乐不期而遇,又可以获取到精心为你挑选的最有质量的歌单。豆瓣FM v6.0.13
- 潮汐 v3.36.0潮汐是一款睡眠、冥想、放松与专注的身心健康应用。我们从旅行、大自然与冥想中获得灵感,在潮汐中提供了自然声音、冥想练习等海量音频内容,帮助你从快节奏的当下抽离,进入另一个平和安静的时空——减少焦虑与压力、保持专注平静、冥想片刻放松思绪,获得更好的睡眠。潮汐 v3.36.0
- 新出行 V3.5.2新出行是一家专注新能源出行,专注于智能汽车,致力于打造新能源出行一站式服务平台的综合性垂直网站。网站提供全面、专业的新能源汽车体验分享,组织线上线下丰富的车友活动,将建立高互动、高参与的社区,将电商平台、二手交易、售后服务全面整合,引导一站式互联网汽车消费。新出行 V3.5.2
- 汽车之家 v10.1.9汽车之家,每天超过千万用户访问的汽车网站~ 为消费者提供选车、买车、用车、换车等所有环节准确、快捷的一站式服务汽车之家 v10.1.9
汽车之家,每天超过千万用户访问的汽车网站~ 为消费者提供选车、买车、用车、换车等所有环节准确、快捷的一站式服务
- 懂车帝 v5.0.0懂车帝 - 值得信赖的汽车选买平台,为你实时更新丰富有趣的汽车资讯,提供真实车主口碑与价格,更有便捷实用的选车工具,充分满足你对汽车APP的期待懂车帝 v5.0.0
懂车帝 - 值得信赖的汽车选买平台,为你实时更新丰富有趣的汽车资讯,提供真实车主口碑与价格,更有便捷实用的选车工具,充分满足你对汽车APP的期待
- 易车易车-专业看车买车汽车资讯平台易车
- Bolt-TaxifyBolt is a transportation app used for taking fast and affordable e-scooter rides.Bolt-Taxify
Bolt is a transportation app used for taking fast and affordable e-scooter rides.
- LimeLime is your ideal carbon-free option for any trip, any time, anywhere.Lime
Lime is your ideal carbon-free option for any trip, any time, anywhere.
- BirdBird is the convenient, car-free way to explore your community. Get outside and reduce CO2 emissions—one ride at a time.Bird
Bird is the convenient, car-free way to explore your community. Get outside and reduce CO2 emissions—one ride at a time.
- 摩拜单车一款消亡的APP,只能通过截屏回味曾经优秀的设计摩拜单车
- ofo共享单车曾经的共享单车王者ofo共享单车
- 美团打车小程序美团打车业务源自美团用户需求驱动,希望能给行业带来创新动力,在本地吃喝玩乐消费场景协同的基础上 ,为美团用户提供一站式“吃喝玩乐行全都有”的服务体验美团打车小程序
美团打车业务源自美团用户需求驱动,希望能给行业带来创新动力,在本地吃喝玩乐消费场景协同的基础上 ,为美团用户提供一站式“吃喝玩乐行全都有”的服务体验
- ParkwhizBest parking app! Find & bookParkwhiz
Best parking app! Find & book
- GrabGrab is Southeast Asia’s leading superapp. We offer essential everyday services to over 670 million people across Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Myanmar.Grab
Grab is Southeast Asia’s leading superapp. We offer essential everyday services to over 670 million people across Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Myanmar.
- LuggLugg connects you to our network of vetted professional movers and a truck, anytime you need it. It's the perfect alternative to traditional movers, renting a truck and doing it yourself- our app connLugg
Lugg connects you to our network of vetted professional movers and a truck, anytime you need it. It's the perfect alternative to traditional movers, renting a truck and doing it yourself- our app conn
- Ola cabsSay Ola to a better value ride share. Ola offers you the nicer, safer and fairer ways to book your rides.Ola cabs
Say Ola to a better value ride share. Ola offers you the nicer, safer and fairer ways to book your rides.
- LyftPublic Ride Sharing & TravelLyft
Public Ride Sharing & Travel
- 掌上高铁v2.4掌上高铁是中国铁路官方出行服务APP。为铁路旅客提供线上线下协同的出行全过程服务,包含从火车票购买,到出行过程中的电子客票、订餐到座等旅行服务以及极速打车特色联程出行服务。涵盖了旅客从购票出发到吃、住、行、游、购、娱的各个方面,让旅客出行更加安心、愉悦、便捷。掌上高铁v2.4
- 高铁管家_7.2以「高铁+航班」的行程服务为核心,为用户提供包括火车票、机票、专车、酒店、汽车票、景点门票等旅游产品预订,一站式解决出行问题,致力让出行成为美好的生活方式。高铁管家_7.2
- ExpediaExpedia 幫助您尋找最佳的度假方案。透過我們的各種途徑,幫您尋找便宜的機票、酒店和活動。Expedia
Expedia 幫助您尋找最佳的度假方案。透過我們的各種途徑,幫您尋找便宜的機票、酒店和活動。
- Omio境外自由行公共交通查询比价,出境旅游必备好助手Omio
- Trip.comTrip.com is a ONE-STOP travel platform where you can access everything you need for great trips with loads of TRAVEL DEALS!Trip.com
Trip.com is a ONE-STOP travel platform where you can access everything you need for great trips with loads of TRAVEL DEALS!
- ScootEscape The OrdinaryScoot
Escape The Ordinary
- TransitSubway & Bus TimesTransit
Subway & Bus Times
- HopperFlight & Hotel DealsHopper
Flight & Hotel Deals
- 高德地图高德地图--中国专业的手机地图,北京MaaS官方授权平台高德地图
- CitymapperLive Bus, Metro & Train TimesCitymapper
Live Bus, Metro & Train Times
- Gotta YogaGotta Yoga is integrated with your Health app!Gotta Yoga
Gotta Yoga is integrated with your Health app!
- Yoga Wave瑜伽是让你变得更加健康性感的最有效方法。瑜伽大师们为你设计了短时训练,让你的身体变得强壮而又灵活Yoga Wave
- PeacePeace: Guided Meditation & Mindfulness is one of the best meditation apps.Peace
Peace: Guided Meditation & Mindfulness is one of the best meditation apps.
- OrganicFitHome Weight LossOrganicFit
Home Weight Loss
- Yoga StudioCustom classes & video libraryYoga Studio
Custom classes & video library
- Ten PercentDaily Pose GuideTen Percent
Daily Pose Guide
- Daily YogaStretching, Workout &ChallengeDaily Yoga
Stretching, Workout &Challenge
- HeadspaceHeadspace is your guide to mindfulness for your everyday life.Headspace
Headspace is your guide to mindfulness for your everyday life.
- Insight TimerMeditation for Sleep & AnxietyInsight Timer
Meditation for Sleep & Anxiety
- Mindbody v7.17.0The Mindbody app can help you find the best place to get your sweat on & work on that beach body. Whether you’re looking for a beginner workout or trying to beat your 30-day fitness goals, you can finMindbody v7.17.0
The Mindbody app can help you find the best place to get your sweat on & work on that beach body. Whether you’re looking for a beginner workout or trying to beat your 30-day fitness goals, you can fin
- 潮汐v3.2.2潮汐是一款睡眠、冥想、放松与专注的身心健康应用。我们从旅行、大自然与冥想中获得灵感,在潮汐中提供了自然声音、冥想练习等海量音频内容,帮助你从快节奏的当下抽离,进入另一个平和安静的时空——减少焦虑与压力、保持专注平静、冥想片刻放松思绪,获得更好的睡眠。潮汐v3.2.2
- 潮汐潮汐是一款睡眠、冥想、放松与专注的身心健康应用。我们从旅行、大自然与冥想中获得灵感,在潮汐中提供了自然声音、冥想练习等海量音频内容,帮助你从快节奏的当下抽离,进入另一个平和安静的时空潮汐
- ClasspassClassPass is the leading membership to the world’s largest fitness network. With ClassPass, staying active has never been easier – or more fun. Download the app for free and get started.Classpass
ClassPass is the leading membership to the world’s largest fitness network. With ClassPass, staying active has never been easier – or more fun. Download the app for free and get started.
- Asana RebelFrom losing weight to building strength, from high-intensity workouts to moving meditations: each piece of Asana Rebel is meant to fit every goal into your lifestyle.Asana Rebel
From losing weight to building strength, from high-intensity workouts to moving meditations: each piece of Asana Rebel is meant to fit every goal into your lifestyle.
- CalmMeditation and Sleep StoriesCalm
Meditation and Sleep Stories
- Gofun出行GoFun出行是首汽集团旗下的汽车分时租赁智能共享平台,与首汽租车、首汽约车同属首汽移动出行板块的兄弟公司,致力于为现代都市生活提供一种更简单、更智能的出行方式Gofun出行
- Turo v22.40.1Turo is the world’s largest peer-to-peer car sharing marketplace where you can book any car you wantTuro v22.40.1
Turo is the world’s largest peer-to-peer car sharing marketplace where you can book any car you want
- TuroTuro is the world’s largest peer-to-peer car sharing marketplace where you can book any car you want,Turo
Turo is the world’s largest peer-to-peer car sharing marketplace where you can book any car you want,
- Google VoiceGoogle Voice gives you a phone number for calling, text messaging, and voicemail. It works on smartphones and computers, and syncs across your devices so you can use the app in the office, at home, orGoogle Voice
Google Voice gives you a phone number for calling, text messaging, and voicemail. It works on smartphones and computers, and syncs across your devices so you can use the app in the office, at home, or
- Hangouts Meet借助 Google Meet,你可以随时随地与他人安全地联系和协作,并共同欢庆美好时光Hangouts Meet
借助 Google Meet,你可以随时随地与他人安全地联系和协作,并共同欢庆美好时光
- Google Street ViewExplore world landmarks, discover natural wonders and step inside locations such as museums, arenas, restaurants and small businesses with Google Street View.Google Street View
Explore world landmarks, discover natural wonders and step inside locations such as museums, arenas, restaurants and small businesses with Google Street View.
- Google Play MusicGoogle Play Music 已更名或已下架Google Play Music
Google Play Music 已更名或已下架
- Google FitGet to a healthier and more active life with Google Fit!Google Fit
Get to a healthier and more active life with Google Fit!
- Google TripsGoogle Trips 已更名或已下架Google Trips
Google Trips 已更名或已下架
- GoogleThe Google app keeps you in the know about things that matter to you. Find quick answers, explore your interests, and stay up to date with Discover. The more you use the Google app, the better it getsGoogle
The Google app keeps you in the know about things that matter to you. Find quick answers, explore your interests, and stay up to date with Discover. The more you use the Google app, the better it gets
- Google FamilyWhether your children are younger or in their teens, the Family Link app lets you set digital ground rules to help guide them as they learn, play, and explore online.Google Family
Whether your children are younger or in their teens, the Family Link app lets you set digital ground rules to help guide them as they learn, play, and explore online.
- Google ExpressGoogle Express 已更名或下架Google Express
Google Express 已更名或下架
- Google ClassroomClassroom is a free service for schools, non-profits, and anyone with a personal Google account.Google Classroom
Classroom is a free service for schools, non-profits, and anyone with a personal Google account.
- Google ChromeFast & Secure Web BrowserGoogle Chrome
Fast & Secure Web Browser
- Google Play BookGoogle Play Books. Books & AudiobooksGoogle Play Book
Google Play Books. Books & Audiobooks
- Google NewsGoogle News organizes what’s happening in the world to help you learn more about the stories that matter to you.Google News
Google News organizes what’s happening in the world to help you learn more about the stories that matter to you.
- VUE VlogVUE 是一个视频拍摄及编辑工具以及原创的 Vlog 短视频平台。VUE Vlog
VUE 是一个视频拍摄及编辑工具以及原创的 Vlog 短视频平台。
- Rookie CamBringing the look and feel of a professional photographer, Rookie Cam™ lets you express even the most subtle mood on your photos & videos.Rookie Cam
Bringing the look and feel of a professional photographer, Rookie Cam™ lets you express even the most subtle mood on your photos & videos.
- ManlyManly is a powerful photo editor for men with a large collection of muscles, tattoos, beard and hairstyles, contact lenses, accessories and filters. With Manly, photo retouch becomes extremely quick aManly
Manly is a powerful photo editor for men with a large collection of muscles, tattoos, beard and hairstyles, contact lenses, accessories and filters. With Manly, photo retouch becomes extremely quick a
- InstasizeInstasize is the photo editor and video editing toolkit for creatives. Easily edit photos and videos with premium photo filters, picture borders, collage maker, retouch tools, format photo resizer andInstasize
Instasize is the photo editor and video editing toolkit for creatives. Easily edit photos and videos with premium photo filters, picture borders, collage maker, retouch tools, format photo resizer and
- ImgurImgur is the easiest way to discover spicy memes, pets in sweaters, awe-inspiring science facts, video game Easter eggs, and all the rest of the Internet’s most entertaining stuff. Your phone is aboutImgur
Imgur is the easiest way to discover spicy memes, pets in sweaters, awe-inspiring science facts, video game Easter eggs, and all the rest of the Internet’s most entertaining stuff. Your phone is about
- FilmmFilmm makes it simple to mix and stack professional color grading filters with authentic film textures, light effects, and subtle distortionsFilmm
Filmm makes it simple to mix and stack professional color grading filters with authentic film textures, light effects, and subtle distortions
- Facetasy CameraFacetasy Camera, the all-in-one camera, photo editor and face changer for you.Facetasy Camera
Facetasy Camera, the all-in-one camera, photo editor and face changer for you.
- RedbubbleRedbubble begins with over 700,000 independent artists. A global community making everyday products weirdly meaningful.Redbubble
Redbubble begins with over 700,000 independent artists. A global community making everyday products weirdly meaningful.
- Nike欢迎使用 Nike App, 一站式个性化中心。 解锁独家尖货, 畅享海量正品,获得专业运动指导和潮流搭配灵感,还有专属会员福利!Nike
欢迎使用 Nike App, 一站式个性化中心。 解锁独家尖货, 畅享海量正品,获得专业运动指导和潮流搭配灵感,还有专属会员福利!
- StockXStockX is the safest and fastest way to discover, buy, and sell authentic sneakers, electronics, streetwear, collectibles, watches and handbags.StockX
StockX is the safest and fastest way to discover, buy, and sell authentic sneakers, electronics, streetwear, collectibles, watches and handbags.
- MercariDeclutter and shop from homeMercari
Declutter and shop from home
- ASOSThe ASOS app is home to more than 850 brands, over 85,000 products, free delivery and return options. We empower fashion-loving 20-somethings all over the world to be whoever they want to beASOS
The ASOS app is home to more than 850 brands, over 85,000 products, free delivery and return options. We empower fashion-loving 20-somethings all over the world to be whoever they want to be
- 盯潮 v2.10.0发售日历球鞋监控原价抢鞋神器盯潮 v2.10.0
- 抖音盒子 v2.1.2抖音盒子,是抖音旗下潮流时尚电商平台,围绕风格、时尚、购物,从街头文化到高端时装,从穿搭技巧到彩妆护肤,和千万潮流玩家一起,捕捉全球流行趋势,开启潮流生活。抖音盒子 v2.1.2
- 95分 v2.21.1上95分购买潮流好物能省钱,专业查验鉴别,专业清洗,正品交易可还价,让你轻松无忧做潮人。95分 v2.21.1
- 盒DAN v1.2去哪里发现新玩具?工作太忙错过抽选?盒DAN机器人为你智能搜罗你关心的玩具最新资讯盒DAN v1.2
- Nicenice app——年轻人都在使用的潮品转卖平台。支持球鞋,潮牌,美妆,酒等深受年轻人喜爱的潮流商品,并提供专业的鉴别及查验服务对买家卖家进行保障Nice
nice app——年轻人都在使用的潮品转卖平台。支持球鞋,潮牌,美妆,酒等深受年轻人喜爱的潮流商品,并提供专业的鉴别及查验服务对买家卖家进行保障
- 拍拍严选 v3.5.2拍拍严选,是京东集团旗下专注于二手手机及3C数码产品在线交易平台。拍拍严选 v3.5.2
- 拍拍 v2.1.8拍拍是京东集团旗下品质二手闲置交易平台。拍拍 v2.1.8
- Fancy欢喜(FANCY)是风格所在,既是博客,又是杂志,又是书签.在这里可以分享发现精彩的玩意儿,找到您的风格,创建自己的博物馆.Fancy
- Fancy欢喜(FANCY)是风格所在,既是博客,又是杂志,又是书签.在这里可以分享发现精彩的玩意儿,找到您的风格,创建自己的博物馆.Fancy
- IKEA PlaceIKEA Place lets you virtually place true-to-scale 3D models in your very own space. Combining the latest AR technology and IKEA’s smart home solutions you can experience IKEA like never before.IKEA Place
IKEA Place lets you virtually place true-to-scale 3D models in your very own space. Combining the latest AR technology and IKEA’s smart home solutions you can experience IKEA like never before.
- WayfairFurniture, Décor & Design Tips,Shop All Things HomeWayfair
Furniture, Décor & Design Tips,Shop All Things Home
- 衣二三衣二三,是一款创新的女性时装月租App应用,主打包月租衣的服务,以订阅会员制的方式为都市白领女性提供品牌时装的日常租赁衣二三
- AliExpressAliExpress is the go-to online shopping app for everyone, anywhere. All new users enjoy exclusive newcomer deals or gifts!AliExpress
AliExpress is the go-to online shopping app for everyone, anywhere. All new users enjoy exclusive newcomer deals or gifts!
- HIGOHIGO 汇聚全球买手,精选时尚奢侈品牌及高端设计师精品,独家资讯解读时尚潮流,为您带来全新购物体验!发现你的与众不同,尽在HIGO!HIGO
HIGO 汇聚全球买手,精选时尚奢侈品牌及高端设计师精品,独家资讯解读时尚潮流,为您带来全新购物体验!发现你的与众不同,尽在HIGO!
- Grow v1.7.5Grow 是你的健康与运动管理中心,它自动记录有关你健康的一切,使你能够轻松地跟踪步数、睡眠、运动、喝水、正念等,从而帮你达成健康的生活状态,享受身心的愉悦成长。Grow v1.7.5
Grow 是你的健康与运动管理中心,它自动记录有关你健康的一切,使你能够轻松地跟踪步数、睡眠、运动、喝水、正念等,从而帮你达成健康的生活状态,享受身心的愉悦成长。
- Evolve v1.0.27Sleep well, deal with depression, overcome anxiety, become more productive, de-stress & improve your mental health to achieve happiness by scientifically proven techniques of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness & Dialectical Behavioral TherapEvolve v1.0.27
Sleep well, deal with depression, overcome anxiety, become more productive, de-stress & improve your mental health to achieve happiness by scientifically proven techniques of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness & Dialectical Behavioral Therap
- Dreamfora v1.9.0Dreamfora is the all-in-one daily planner. Turn your long-term goals into short-term goals.Dreamfora v1.9.0
Dreamfora is the all-in-one daily planner. Turn your long-term goals into short-term goals.
- Routinery v3.15.49"Routinery, started since 2020 has changed the lives of a million people in one year." Routinery has surpassed 1 million downloads worldwide!Routinery v3.15.49
"Routinery, started since 2020 has changed the lives of a million people in one year." Routinery has surpassed 1 million downloads worldwide!
- NiceDay v1.5.2NiceDay是一款引导你在日常生活中进行正念冥想的心理健康应用。NiceDay v1.5.2
- Moleskine Balance v1.3.83Moleskine Balance是第一款为了帮助您夺回时间控制权的应用,能辅助您调节生活、定义目标以及获得灵感。Moleskine Balance v1.3.83
Moleskine Balance是第一款为了帮助您夺回时间控制权的应用,能辅助您调节生活、定义目标以及获得灵感。
- Finch v3.3.2Meet your new self care best friend! Finch is a self care pet app that helps you feel prepared and positive, one day at a time. Take care of your pet by taking care of yourself! Choose from a wide variety of self care exercises personalized for you.Finch v3.3.2
Meet your new self care best friend! Finch is a self care pet app that helps you feel prepared and positive, one day at a time. Take care of your pet by taking care of yourself! Choose from a wide variety of self care exercises personalized for you.
- Gentler Streak v2.1Gentler Streak is a personal fitness habit tracker offering a fresh, more compassionate approach. Making rest days part of a streak challenges the unrealistic mainstream mindset of always pushing harder — and it changes streaks as we know them.Gentler Streak v2.1
Gentler Streak is a personal fitness habit tracker offering a fresh, more compassionate approach. Making rest days part of a streak challenges the unrealistic mainstream mindset of always pushing harder — and it changes streaks as we know them.
- Cats & Dogs Weather v1.4.3Cats & Dogs creates a unique pawsome experience, mixing routine weather checking with virtual pets in the most enjoyable way that barks joy!Cats & Dogs Weather v1.4.3
Cats & Dogs creates a unique pawsome experience, mixing routine weather checking with virtual pets in the most enjoyable way that barks joy!
- stoicstoic can help you live a happier and more tranquil life. you will learn stoicism philosophy and how to cope with stress.stoic
stoic can help you live a happier and more tranquil life. you will learn stoicism philosophy and how to cope with stress.
- Sanity&SelfSanity & Self is THE #1 Self-Care App for Women! Manage your anxiety, reduce stress, get better sleep, heal heartbreak, and gain self-love!Sanity&Self
Sanity & Self is THE #1 Self-Care App for Women! Manage your anxiety, reduce stress, get better sleep, heal heartbreak, and gain self-love!
- JourIf you want to build a healthier and more mindful lifestyle, are facing a difficult or stressful time, want to address any negativity or anxiety in your life, or just want to feel focused and in contrJour
If you want to build a healthier and more mindful lifestyle, are facing a difficult or stressful time, want to address any negativity or anxiety in your life, or just want to feel focused and in contr
- Lumosity MindLumosity’s cognitive training program is a fun, interactive way to train your brain and learn about how your mind works. Used by over 100 million people worldwide, Lumosity’s program consists of scienLumosity Mind
Lumosity’s cognitive training program is a fun, interactive way to train your brain and learn about how your mind works. Used by over 100 million people worldwide, Lumosity’s program consists of scien
- TimeviewGain insights about your calendar. Look back at your past weeks or plan ahead. With its perfectly adaptable interface Timeview is your iOS calendar companion.Timeview
Gain insights about your calendar. Look back at your past weeks or plan ahead. With its perfectly adaptable interface Timeview is your iOS calendar companion.
- Pocket ListsPocket Lists是个出色的待办事项列表管理程序,关注重要的待办事项,可以与朋友协作处理待办事项列表。本程序既可以作为日常的待办事项组织程序,也可作为购物、旅游打包等核对清单程序。Pocket Lists
Pocket Lists是个出色的待办事项列表管理程序,关注重要的待办事项,可以与朋友协作处理待办事项列表。本程序既可以作为日常的待办事项组织程序,也可作为购物、旅游打包等核对清单程序。
- HabitminderHabitMinder 能帮助您养成健康习惯和督促您。例如,HabitMinder 会提醒您做呼吸练习或简短的冥想。它还能追踪您的补水、鼓励您锻炼或去健身房等等。Habitminder
HabitMinder 能帮助您养成健康习惯和督促您。例如,HabitMinder 会提醒您做呼吸练习或简短的冥想。它还能追踪您的补水、鼓励您锻炼或去健身房等等。
- MyquitThe right support is essential to quit smoking. That’s why the LIVESTRONG.COM team built the physician-approved MyQuit Coach app. Get your own personalized plan to help you finally stop smoking, onceMyquit
The right support is essential to quit smoking. That’s why the LIVESTRONG.COM team built the physician-approved MyQuit Coach app. Get your own personalized plan to help you finally stop smoking, once
- StreaksSTREAKS. The to-do list that helps you form good habits. Apple Design Award winner.Streaks
STREAKS. The to-do list that helps you form good habits. Apple Design Award winner.
- AsanaAsana is the work manager for teams. From the small stuff to the big picture, Asana organizes work so teams are clear what to do, why it matters, and how to get it done.Asana
Asana is the work manager for teams. From the small stuff to the big picture, Asana organizes work so teams are clear what to do, why it matters, and how to get it done.
- ZeroFasting & Health TrackerZero
Fasting & Health Tracker
- Seven7分钟锻炼挑战Seven
- PalomaPaloma 经期跟踪助手是一款友好易用的工具,可帮助女性更好地掌控她们的身体和健康! 跟踪您的经期,估计您的最佳受孕窗口期和排卵日,并记录相关症状,从而更好地关注您的健康变化。Paloma
Paloma 经期跟踪助手是一款友好易用的工具,可帮助女性更好地掌控她们的身体和健康! 跟踪您的经期,估计您的最佳受孕窗口期和排卵日,并记录相关症状,从而更好地关注您的健康变化。
- sleeptune睡眠相关应用sleeptune
- Pillow Automatic Sleep Tracker睡眠周期跟踪器 ,闹钟和睡眠分析Pillow Automatic Sleep Tracker
睡眠周期跟踪器 ,闹钟和睡眠分析
- 小睡眠睡眠监测梦话录音智能闹钟小睡眠
- KaiaKaia helps people manage their pain at home. Our approach offers a drug-free option with exercises for the body and mind based on guidelines recommended by the American College of Physicians.Kaia
Kaia helps people manage their pain at home. Our approach offers a drug-free option with exercises for the body and mind based on guidelines recommended by the American College of Physicians.
- TimepageGet Timepage – the most intuitive and delightful calendar app you’ll ever use. It's a powerful and fun way to get organized!Timepage
Get Timepage – the most intuitive and delightful calendar app you’ll ever use. It's a powerful and fun way to get organized!
- Google CalenderGoogle Calendar is integrated with Apple Health to track your workouts and mark Goals as done automatically.Google Calender
Google Calendar is integrated with Apple Health to track your workouts and mark Goals as done automatically.
- TimeTreeSharing allows everyone to view the same calendar and add new events. TimeTree keeps you all in order with who’s doing what and whenTimeTree
Sharing allows everyone to view the same calendar and add new events. TimeTree keeps you all in order with who’s doing what and when
- FabulousDaily Routine PlannerFabulous
Daily Routine Planner
- Simple HabitTry Simple Habit for free today and join over 5 million people on this life-changing journey.Simple Habit
Try Simple Habit for free today and join over 5 million people on this life-changing journey.
- 咕咚 v10.3.0咕咚,2亿人都在用的跑步健身APP!一站式智能运动生活平台,覆盖全球的全民运动社区,海量专业国货运动装备推荐。咕咚 v10.3.0
- 好轻 v4.12好轻App,全新的页面体验,围绕体重管理,提供体重记录、体重目标设定管理、体重趋势变化及分析,减肥饮食食谱推荐、运动健身课程跟练打卡记录,记录你的每一次改变。好轻 v4.12
- 悦动圈 v5.8.3让运动更容易,更有趣悦动圈 v5.8.3
- KeepKeep是一个app,于2015 年2月4日上线,致力于提供健身教学、跑步、骑行、交友及健身饮食指导、装备购买等一站式运动解决方案Keep
Keep是一个app,于2015 年2月4日上线,致力于提供健身教学、跑步、骑行、交友及健身饮食指导、装备购买等一站式运动解决方案
- 天天跳绳 v2.0.2智能体育运动平台天天跳绳 v2.0.2
- theScoretheScore delivers real-time scoring updates and alerts, breaking news, the deepest in-game stats, videos, and social content. theScore is fast, comprehensive, and super simple to use:theScore
theScore delivers real-time scoring updates and alerts, breaking news, the deepest in-game stats, videos, and social content. theScore is fast, comprehensive, and super simple to use:
- SwingUSwingU is the top-performing, free golf GPS rangefinder & scorecard app in the world, with more than 5.5 million users around the globe!SwingU
SwingU is the top-performing, free golf GPS rangefinder & scorecard app in the world, with more than 5.5 million users around the globe!
- 乐动力 v9.11.0运动跑步健身APP乐动力 v9.11.0
- 热量减肥法 v1.8.2健康饮食科学减脂APP热量减肥法 v1.8.2
- 乐走走路运动计步赚钱软件乐走
- 骑记专业单车、自行车骑行运动轨迹记录软件骑记
- HomeCourtHomeCourt is the free, interactive basketball app that helps anyone get better.HomeCourt
HomeCourt is the free, interactive basketball app that helps anyone get better.
- AaptivAaptiv lets you workout when you want, where you want, the way you want. Get unlimited access to audio–based fitness classes led by certified personal trainers. Find the perfect rhythm with a playlistAaptiv
Aaptiv lets you workout when you want, where you want, the way you want. Get unlimited access to audio–based fitness classes led by certified personal trainers. Find the perfect rhythm with a playlist
- Aura v3.12.24Transform your wellbeing & sleep with the world's most personalized, all-in-one app for mental wellnessAura v3.12.24
Transform your wellbeing & sleep with the world's most personalized, all-in-one app for mental wellness
- FitplanGet a workout at home or in the gym with the largest roster of personal fitness trainers ever assembled. Choose from olympic athletes to celebrity personal trainers, all who have one goal in mind: getFitplan
Get a workout at home or in the gym with the largest roster of personal fitness trainers ever assembled. Choose from olympic athletes to celebrity personal trainers, all who have one goal in mind: get
- BetterMeDiet, Workout, Calorie TrackerBetterMe
Diet, Workout, Calorie Tracker
- Nike TrainingThe Nike Training Club app is designed to help you reach your fitness goals — no matter what they are — by giving you the tools, the motivation, and accountability you need to feel successful and confNike Training
The Nike Training Club app is designed to help you reach your fitness goals — no matter what they are — by giving you the tools, the motivation, and accountability you need to feel successful and conf
- Ultrahuman v1.15Ultrahuman is the complete guide that helps you stay fit, with its unique workout series, meditation and mindfulness courses and bedtime stories.Ultrahuman v1.15
Ultrahuman is the complete guide that helps you stay fit, with its unique workout series, meditation and mindfulness courses and bedtime stories.
- 麦当劳 v6.0.30.0麦当劳为您提供卫生可靠的餐品,提供安全、快捷、贴心、24小时里分秒必争的热爱。麦当劳 v6.0.30.0
- 饿了么星选饿了么,作为国内优质的本地生活服务平台,专注服务本地生活圈,推动行业数字化升级,重新定义城市生活,让生活更美好饿了么星选
- 美团外卖美团外卖,专业的美食外卖订餐平台!美团外卖
- Instacart v7.141.0Shop online & get your groceries delivered directly to your door in as fast as 2 hours. Plus, your first grocery delivery is free! And it's safe—contactless delivery is available.Instacart v7.141.0
Shop online & get your groceries delivered directly to your door in as fast as 2 hours. Plus, your first grocery delivery is free! And it's safe—contactless delivery is available.
- MuchoEsto es Mucho: lo mejor de los productos de Colombia en una sola APP.Mucho
Esto es Mucho: lo mejor de los productos de Colombia en una sola APP.
- 大众点评餐厅推荐、家常菜谱、旅游攻略大众点评
- TastyMeet your new cooking coach! Over 4000 Tasty recipes now at your fingertipsTasty
Meet your new cooking coach! Over 4000 Tasty recipes now at your fingertips
- PostmatesDelivery from your favorite restaurants, grocery stores, and more!Postmates
Delivery from your favorite restaurants, grocery stores, and more!
- Veggie WeekendEnjoy a delicious and healthy Veggie Weekend with Filibaba. Veggie Weekend is free to download, with a total of 113 fresh and exciting recipes like Saffron Risotto, Chili con Frijoles, and Palak Tofu.Veggie Weekend
Enjoy a delicious and healthy Veggie Weekend with Filibaba. Veggie Weekend is free to download, with a total of 113 fresh and exciting recipes like Saffron Risotto, Chili con Frijoles, and Palak Tofu.
- PlantryEasy Meal Planning & Grocery Shopping. Enjoy tasty dinners with our mouth-watering recipes that are good for you and the planet.Plantry
Easy Meal Planning & Grocery Shopping. Enjoy tasty dinners with our mouth-watering recipes that are good for you and the planet.
- Eat PurelyEat Purely delivers chef-curated menus that change seasonally to maximize nutrients and flavors.Eat Purely
Eat Purely delivers chef-curated menus that change seasonally to maximize nutrients and flavors.
- DoorDashDelivery anywhere you are. DoorDash offers the greatest selection of your favorite local and national restaurantsDoorDash
Delivery anywhere you are. DoorDash offers the greatest selection of your favorite local and national restaurants
- blue ApronMeal Kit Delivery Serviceblue Apron
Meal Kit Delivery Service
- OpenTableBook and enjoy extraordinary dining experiences in over 52,000 restaurants worldwide with the OpenTable AppOpenTable
Book and enjoy extraordinary dining experiences in over 52,000 restaurants worldwide with the OpenTable App
- ChipotlePickup. Delivery. Rewards.Chipotle
Pickup. Delivery. Rewards.
- Foursquare SwarmSwarm is the best way to keep track of the places you goFoursquare Swarm
Swarm is the best way to keep track of the places you go
- Uber EatsLocal restaurants to your doorUber Eats
Local restaurants to your door
- StarbucksThe Starbucks® app is a convenient way to order ahead for pickup or scan and pay in storeStarbucks
The Starbucks® app is a convenient way to order ahead for pickup or scan and pay in store
- LifesumPersonalized Diets and Meal Plans, food and exercise tracking, calorie counter, and healthy recipes, all in one place. Get healthy and feel great with Lifesum!Lifesum
Personalized Diets and Meal Plans, food and exercise tracking, calorie counter, and healthy recipes, all in one place. Get healthy and feel great with Lifesum!
- Bite SquadBite Squad provides a wide range of restaurants to choose from, along with handy filtering tools and a search bar to help you efficiently find the dishes you’re craving.Bite Squad
Bite Squad provides a wide range of restaurants to choose from, along with handy filtering tools and a search bar to help you efficiently find the dishes you’re craving.
- 快点阅读 v4.18.00快点阅读——国内非常火爆、年轻人都在玩的对话小说App快点阅读 v4.18.00
- 湛庐阅读v3.1.3基于十五年的内容积累和几十万的阅读社群,我们围绕纸质书、电子书、有声书,在湛庐阅读App上搭建了一个涵盖泛读、通读、精读服务的平台,以满足不同读者对阅读体验和知识内容不同层次的需求。湛庐阅读v3.1.3
- IdagioIDAGIO is the leading streaming app for classical music with over 2 million tracks, exclusive video concerts, the latest releases and personalized recommendations.Idagio
IDAGIO is the leading streaming app for classical music with over 2 million tracks, exclusive video concerts, the latest releases and personalized recommendations.
- 七猫小说畅读海量完本小说阅读软件七猫小说
- QQ阅读看小说大全的电子书阅读神器QQ阅读
- 岛读岛读,一个极简主义的每日阅读应用。在这里,你不止能发现值得一看的好文章,还能遇见和你一样认真有趣的人岛读
- 三联中读 v8.6.0人文之光,照亮你的生活和远方三联中读 v8.6.0
- 有道乐读 v3.0.1有道乐读是网易有道旗下的儿童阅读能力培养中心,为儿童提供线上图书馆、儿童阅读启蒙服务。由作家、编辑组成专家团队,根据儿童不同成长阶段推荐全球正版图书。有道乐读 v3.0.1
- 看理想v2.4.0看理想,专注原创音视频内容的出品,以文化品牌理想国的图书为起点,我们从文字、影像延伸到了移动应用。看理想v2.4.0
- 企鹅FM企鹅FM是一款轻娱乐有声内容分享平台,提供听书、听新闻、听广播电台等有声数字收听服务企鹅FM
- Headway v190.0Discover bite-sized learning with Headway for fun and easy growth!Headway v190.0
Discover bite-sized learning with Headway for fun and easy growth!
- 腾讯动漫v8.5.32亿用户都在用的漫画平台腾讯动漫v8.5.3
- 流利说阅读v2.10英语阅读,英语听力同步提升,每日听读新鲜英语新闻外刊 轻松考研高效学英语流利说阅读v2.10
英语阅读,英语听力同步提升,每日听读新鲜英语新闻外刊 轻松考研高效学英语
- LibbyLibrary ebooks and audiobooksLibby
Library ebooks and audiobooks
- 轻芒杂志轻芒是一家杂志阅读应用及内容创作小程序提供商,开发了兴趣阅读产品“轻芒杂志”,提供入门知识、好物、配方和去处等内容轻芒杂志
- 时刻日记 v1.0.1记录每个难以忘怀的平凡瞬间时刻日记 v1.0.1
- 心情日记 v1.0.2记录好心情绪日记 — 正念、抑郁症解压心情日记 v1.0.2
记录好心情绪日记 — 正念、抑郁症解压
- EvernoteCapture ideas when inspiration strikes. Bring your notes, to-dos, and schedule together to tame life’s distractions and accomplish more—at work, at home, and everywhere in between.Evernote
Capture ideas when inspiration strikes. Bring your notes, to-dos, and schedule together to tame life’s distractions and accomplish more—at work, at home, and everywhere in between.
- JourDaily Self-Care JournalJour
Daily Self-Care Journal
- 格志日记已更名或已下架格志日记
- mori手账Mori手帐,小清新的花样笔记本,随时随地记录生活予你的小确幸mori手账
- AgendaIntroducing Agenda, the award-winning elegant new take on notes.Agenda
Introducing Agenda, the award-winning elegant new take on notes.
- 熊掌记熊掌记是专注、流畅的笔记写作应用,无论是作家、律师、厨师、教师、工程师,还是学生和家长都在使用!快捷的管理、编辑和导出工具帮助您快速写作,随时随地分享,并通过加密功能来保护您的隐私熊掌记
- 兰亭日志兰亭日志是一款最新推出的日志软件,这款app中拥有海量各种各样的图文美文为您提供,而且其中更有众多的贴纸为您服务兰亭日志
- ThingsGet things done! The award-winning Things app helps you plan your day, manage your projects, and make real progress toward your goals.Things
Get things done! The award-winning Things app helps you plan your day, manage your projects, and make real progress toward your goals.
- iBetter「iBetter·人生养成计划」,这是一个帮助你「养成好习惯」、「戒掉坏习惯」的 App,每天提醒和鼓励你,记录你的进步,还有超酷的勋章可以收集。iBetter
「iBetter·人生养成计划」,这是一个帮助你「养成好习惯」、「戒掉坏习惯」的 App,每天提醒和鼓励你,记录你的进步,还有超酷的勋章可以收集。
- TodolistReminders, day planner & habitTodolist
Reminders, day planner & habit
- Yik Yak v1.6.8On Yik Yak, connect with everyone within 5 miles.Yik Yak v1.6.8
On Yik Yak, connect with everyone within 5 miles.
- Hometime v1.2.0HomeTime 是一款记录和提醒你陪伴父母、亲人的一款效率工具,不知道你有没有过这样的感觉,忽然很怕父母慢慢变老,我们不停的为美好生活而努力奋斗,却忽略了最本质的幸福,父母要的,从来都不是物质上的回馈,而是我们抽空的陪伴。Hometime v1.2.0
HomeTime 是一款记录和提醒你陪伴父母、亲人的一款效率工具,不知道你有没有过这样的感觉,忽然很怕父母慢慢变老,我们不停的为美好生活而努力奋斗,却忽略了最本质的幸福,父母要的,从来都不是物质上的回馈,而是我们抽空的陪伴。
- Lose ItLose It! 是一款卡路里计算应用,能帮助您实现减重目标。只需要下载这款应用、设定您的目标,并记录食物和锻炼即可减重。Lose It
Lose It! 是一款卡路里计算应用,能帮助您实现减重目标。只需要下载这款应用、设定您的目标,并记录食物和锻炼即可减重。
- ReflectlyReflectly is the #1 journaling app that’s like your best friend. Vent your thoughts & feelings to improve your mood and practice mindfulnessReflectly
Reflectly is the #1 journaling app that’s like your best friend. Vent your thoughts & feelings to improve your mood and practice mindfulness
- PocketSave and read news & articlesPocket
Save and read news & articles
- 微微 v2.6.6属于你的心情日记微微 v2.6.6
- OtterAutomated meeting notes for Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and more. Stay connected and collaborative when you work from home.Otter
Automated meeting notes for Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and more. Stay connected and collaborative when you work from home.
- 熊密熊密是一款记录类APP。与同类APP不同的是,熊密鼓励区分主题分别记录。创建一个「熊洞」,专门记录某个「人物/事件/情绪」,这样在回顾内容时更加专注,更便于看到变化和梳理。而不仅仅只是记录时间的流水账。另外,熊密骨骼惊奇,风格迥异,画面简洁,操作也很简单。熊密
- Poparazzi v3.1.31Poparazzi is a new photo sharing network where your friends are your paparazzi and you are theirsPoparazzi v3.1.31
Poparazzi is a new photo sharing network where your friends are your paparazzi and you are theirs
- Saturn v7.31.0Saturn helps you manage your time so you can spend it doing things you love with the people who matter most.Saturn v7.31.0
Saturn helps you manage your time so you can spend it doing things you love with the people who matter most.
- 遥望 v4.14.0遥望,一个能拉近彼此距离,传递美好的社交APP。以崭新的互动方式,打开全新的社交模式。用户在展示自我的同时,也能结交更多志同道合的朋友,打造你的专属社交兴趣圈。遥望 v4.14.0
- PartyChat v1.1.55PartyChat is a free educational and entertainment social network app with the real-time voice chat feature, bringing together students from all universities in Arab countries.PartyChat v1.1.55
PartyChat is a free educational and entertainment social network app with the real-time voice chat feature, bringing together students from all universities in Arab countries.
- 玩吧 v10.46.0玩吧APP是当下非常流行的交友新方式,通过组局玩法、多人互动、话题共鸣,发现更多有趣的灵魂,把无聊变有聊,把尬聊变互撩!玩吧 v10.46.0
- 糖果 v3.10.0社交应用,为温暖的共情心动一百次糖果 v3.10.0
- Falo v1.1.5Falo,一个新青年超爱的有sense的交友平台,真实靠谱,超强隐私保护Falo v1.1.5
- Fishbowl v6.19.0Fishbowl is where professionals go to connect and talk in a new era of remote work.Fishbowl v6.19.0
Fishbowl is where professionals go to connect and talk in a new era of remote work.
- Ayala v1.5.8No matter whether you fall in love and finally meet Mr. Right, make friends or just want to meet nice people for common leisure activities - you have come to the right placeAyala v1.5.8
No matter whether you fall in love and finally meet Mr. Right, make friends or just want to meet nice people for common leisure activities - you have come to the right place
- 她说 v4.15.0所有美好的故事,从相遇开始。在「她说」,真诚交朋友。你可以脱单、交朋友、拓展人脉。我们坚持严格高标准审核用户,每天会为你特别推荐21位适合你的用户,希望你可以认识超有趣聊得来的新朋友,快速match理想型!她说 v4.15.0
- 咔咔 v1.8.1咔咔是一款主打【真实】的社交软件,为用户提供前所未见的聊天方式——相机拍照聊天。咔咔 v1.8.1
- 咔咔 v1.6.6咔咔是一款主打【真实】的社交软件,为用户提供前所未见的聊天方式——相机拍照聊天。咔咔 v1.6.6
- Huddles v3.0.2Huddles is a place to connect with your favorite Creators, unlock exclusive content, and join communities with other like-minded Fans.Huddles v3.0.2
Huddles is a place to connect with your favorite Creators, unlock exclusive content, and join communities with other like-minded Fans.
- Three v1.9.1Three is where people hangout in groups. It lets you discover groups of people who share your passions, ideas, or even weird taste of memes, and provides live spaces for people to chat in video or voice. Even better, everything is happening in real time!Three v1.9.1
Three is where people hangout in groups. It lets you discover groups of people who share your passions, ideas, or even weird taste of memes, and provides live spaces for people to chat in video or voice. Even better, everything is happening in real time!
- 龙猫交友 v1.6.7龙猫交友是一款年轻人使用的真实交友平台。在这里可以找到灵魂match的心动之人。还可以通过盲盒匹配邂逅一份惊喜。龙猫交友 v1.6.7
- 连信 v6.1.18连信-换个地方交朋友,记录真实生活,发现身边趣事。连信 v6.1.18
- TIYA v4.33.0TIYA is a social app that enables real-time interactive group chat. You can create a private group chat for your best friends with voice chatting, watching videos, playing games, listening to music, and screen sharing to make socializing more enjoyable.TIYA v4.33.0
TIYA is a social app that enables real-time interactive group chat. You can create a private group chat for your best friends with voice chatting, watching videos, playing games, listening to music, and screen sharing to make socializing more enjoyable.
- Alamo DrafthouseThe official Alamo Drafthouse app has been rebuilt from the ground up to get you into your seat quicker and easier than ever before.Alamo Drafthouse
The official Alamo Drafthouse app has been rebuilt from the ground up to get you into your seat quicker and easier than ever before.
- 爱奇艺票务V2.3爱奇艺票务是爱奇艺旗下的在线选座购票应用,提供全国影院及各类场馆的购票服务,让您畅享轻松超值的购票体验,精致新奇的娱乐内容。爱奇艺票务V2.3
- 阿里健康小程序阿里健康是阿里巴巴集团“DoubleH”战略(HealthandHappiness健康与快乐)在大健康领域的旗舰平台。目前,阿里健康开展的业务主要集中在医药电商及新零售、互联网医疗、消费医疗、智慧医疗等领域阿里健康小程序
- 被窝家装 v1.9.2被窝家装,集合了众多专业家装设计师、品质标准化家装品牌。你可以放心的挑选,因为每一项产品,均由平台提供标准化施工服务和售后保障。是一个能把期待落地实现,能让你省心的服务平台。被窝家装 v1.9.2
- 伴伴 v1.9.8伴伴是一款高质量语音交友软件,聚集众多可爱的小哥哥小姐姐,集暖心树洞、电台直播、剧本杀、谁是卧底等多元化产品于一体,在这里,你可以边玩边聊,也能轻松遇见那个有趣的TA伴伴 v1.9.8
- 币牛牛币牛牛是专注于区块链数字资产投资领域的一站式服务平台,提供行情、盯盘、资讯、数据、技术分析、大V观点等服务。币牛牛秉承“让数据会说话”的理念,利用算法挖掘数据背后主力的动态与意图,聚合币圈最新最有价值的资讯,为用户的投资决策提供重要依据币牛牛
- 贝壳找房贝壳找房,专业的买房租房大平台,提供海量真实的房源信息贝壳找房
- 百度有钱花“有钱花”是度小满金融信贷服务品牌,利用人工智能和大数据风控技术,为用户提供方便、快捷、安心的借款服务。百度有钱花
- QQ音乐 v11.10.0QQ音乐 - 听我想听QQ音乐 v11.10.0
QQ音乐 - 听我想听
- Spotify v8.7.68Spotify 是在手机或平板电脑端收听音乐和播客的绝佳选择。 搜索任意曲目、艺人或专辑,然后免费收听。创建并分享歌单。打造曲目众多且品质极佳的音乐选辑。Spotify v8.7.68
Spotify 是在手机或平板电脑端收听音乐和播客的绝佳选择。 搜索任意曲目、艺人或专辑,然后免费收听。创建并分享歌单。打造曲目众多且品质极佳的音乐选辑。
- Amp v1.2.0Find your humans who find you music. Amp is where people come together for live radio shows with the music they love.Amp v1.2.0
Find your humans who find you music. Amp is where people come together for live radio shows with the music they love.
- 汽水音乐 v1.9.1汽水音乐】抖音出品官方音乐app,帮你发现更多好音乐。汽水音乐 v1.9.1
- 波点音乐 v2.2.3波点音乐是一款有强烈音乐氛围的音乐app,拥有3千万曲库,根据您的听歌喜好为您个性化推荐音乐。波点音乐 v2.2.3
- 第一弹v2.38.2第一弹,是一个为千万玩家量身打造的二次元游戏综合社区,了解时下最火最好玩的游戏资讯、攻略信息,寻找同好,发布宅物,get最新最热手游。第一弹v2.38.2
- 猜歌星球猜歌星球是一款非常好玩的猜歌娱乐社交平台。多种玩法。满足你的不同需求。一边游戏一边交友。以歌会友,更加自然(目前已下线)猜歌星球
- 唱鸭唱鸭,一个基于弹唱的音乐社区,致力于帮助不懂乐器的普通人降低“玩音乐”的门槛,让人人都可以玩点音乐。使用唱鸭的工具,不管是弹唱/说唱,改编/原创,都可以轻松完成。唱鸭
- 唱吧在唱吧,用唱歌随时随地释放情绪,记录音乐、记录生活。 无论你是专业音乐人、亦或唱歌爱好者……都能找到属于你的聚会圈子。唱吧
在唱吧,用唱歌随时随地释放情绪,记录音乐、记录生活。 无论你是专业音乐人、亦或唱歌爱好者……都能找到属于你的聚会圈子。
- 果壳 v2.0.16果壳,提供负责任的科学、科技内容。果壳 v2.0.16
- 大麦网v7.72大麦网为华语地区领先的娱乐票务平台,为用户提供演唱会、话剧、体育比赛、儿童亲子、电影、展览等品类的选座购票服务,满足亿万观众走入演出现场的梦想。大麦网v7.72
- 豆瓣豆瓣,一个有趣多元的文化生活社区。在这里,从书影音出发,认知世界、体悟生活、充实心灵,塑造成更丰富的自我豆瓣
- 贷款有钱花已下线贷款有钱花
- 豆瓣FM豆瓣FM,最懂你的个性化音乐服务,既可以让你在私人电台里与喜欢的音乐不期而遇,又可以获取到精心为你挑选的最有质量的歌单豆瓣FM
- 电丸快手出品,目前已下架电丸
- 度小满金融v7.7.0度小满金融是综合类金融服务平台,面向大众提供互联网消费信贷服务、优质的理财服务和安心的保险服务。度小满金融持有多种牌照,并与数百家银行,持牌金融机构达成合作,在信贷、理财、保险、支付等领域为用户提供值得信赖的金融服务。资金周转就找度小满!度小满金融v7.7.0
- 度小满理财度小满金融是综合类金融服务平台,面向大众提供互联网消费信贷服务、优质的理财服务和安心的保险服务。度小满金融持有多种牌照,并与数百家银行,持牌金融机构达成合作,在信贷、理财、保险、支付等领域为用户提供值得信赖的金融服务。度小满理财
- 耳萌耳萌,一款出类拔萃的专业的asmr声优哄睡神器,拥有免费、海量、高品质的声音音乐平台。耳萌
- Fandango v13.9.2Movie Tickets & TimesFandango v13.9.2
Movie Tickets & Times
- 飞猪飞猪是阿里巴巴集团旗下旅行品牌,提供机票,酒店,火车票,汽车票,景点门票,用车,周末游,跟团游,自由行,自驾游,邮轮,旅游度假产品任您选择!精选攻略,出行保险,旨在为您提供优惠,便捷,高性价比的出行服务。飞猪
- 分期有钱花已下架分期有钱花
- 飞聊飞聊是字节跳动旗下的一款开放社交产品,是即时通讯软件和兴趣爱好社区的集合,致力于帮助用户发现同好飞聊
- 概念画板概念画板是一个让我们可以尽情思考、计划和创作的灵活空间。在无限大的画布上使用倾斜 + 压感绘制平面图、记笔记和涂鸦、绘制故事板、产品草图和设计平面图,然后分享给朋友、客户和其他APP。概念画板
概念画板是一个让我们可以尽情思考、计划和创作的灵活空间。在无限大的画布上使用倾斜 + 压感绘制平面图、记笔记和涂鸦、绘制故事板、产品草图和设计平面图,然后分享给朋友、客户和其他APP。
- 画音v3.1.0画音 4.0,回归真朋友,真生活。再平常的人生,都值得被记录,被关注。再平凡的个体,都值得展示自己,交自己的朋友。画音v3.1.0
画音 4.0,回归真朋友,真生活。再平常的人生,都值得被记录,被关注。再平凡的个体,都值得展示自己,交自己的朋友。
- 花椒直播类APP花椒
- 花虾理财平台,APP已下架花虾
- 活力花分期借款,已下线活力花
- 鲸鸣 v0.11.75鲸鸣是一款可以让普通人唱歌发弹幕的音乐类应用。演唱模式上支持独唱、也可以和别人一起唱,创作自己的音乐作品,对喜欢的歌曲还可以发出语音或者文字弹幕进行互动鲸鸣 v0.11.75
- 京东健康v1.13京东健康,是京东集团旗下专注于经营大健康业务的子集团。依托京东集团的各项能力和资源优势,京东健康的产品和服务已经初步实现了对药品全产业链、医疗全流程、健康全场景、用户全生命周期的覆盖。京东健康v1.13
- 积目v4.3积目是国内垂直于90-00后青年文化人群的文娱社交平台,积目强调社交破冰,摆脱普通交友模式积目v4.3
- 简单搜索全国首款搜索无广告软件,无时不刻极致搜索!拥有强大的语音、图像识别内核;极简设计,极速体验。简单搜索
- 京东金融京东金融以智能化、内容化为核心能力,与银行、保险公司、基金公司等近千家金融机构,共同为用户提供专业、安全的个人金融服务。京东金融
- 酷狗音乐 v11.0.5拥有强大的商务合作能力,月活用户超4亿,覆盖用户日活1.2亿,付费用户超1亿,是中国「音娱一体化」平台酷狗音乐 v11.0.5
- 酷家乐设计师室内设计师的百宝箱酷家乐设计师
- 卡牛卡牛信用管家,提供智能账单管理、自动化逾期提醒、信用卡一键还款服务。卡牛
- 夸克v4.5.3夸克,智能搜索的先行者,提供极速精准的搜索体验、大空间不限速网盘服务、AI相机高清扫描工具。搜索,就该更好的!夸克v4.5.3
- 夸克V3.8.3夸克,是追求全新智能搜索的先行者,为用户的信息获取提供准确的搜索体验。搜索,就该更好的!夸克V3.8.3
- 有道翻译官 v4.0.9支持107种语言翻译,满足学习翻译、工作翻译、出国翻译、旅游翻译、旅行翻译等需求。支持拍照翻译、语音翻译、同传翻译、实景AR翻译、在线翻译、离线翻译。有道翻译官 v4.0.9
- 开言英语 v5.0.8哥伦比亚大学教研专家和资深教研团队设计更适合亚洲用户的英语学习体系。职场,生活,出国多种主题口语课一站式搞定。我们始终坚持:学英语,一定要听得懂、说得出。开言英语 v5.0.8
- 开言英语北美外教带你学实战英语开言英语
- 流利说少儿英语v2.1英语能力全面提升,一站式英语AI教育平台流利说少儿英语v2.1
- 荔枝人人都是主播,让你听世界荔枝
- 恋爱ing恋爱ing致力于为情侣们打造专属的私密互动空间,在这里你们可以记录每一天的恋爱时光,同时还可以使用纪念日、写信、月经期、愿望清单等专属服务恋爱ing
- Mimo Code v5.53.2学习编程、制作应用、建立网站、自动完成任务,还有更多Mimo Code v5.53.2
- 有道智学 v2.1.2有道智学是网易有道旗下专注中学生数学的AI互动课程产品,通过IRT自适应教学系统,基于4000余个末级知识点,为每一位同学动态推荐专属学习路径与内容,包括音视频、在线练习、小游戏等;同时提供个性化在线辅导,为每一位同学定制专属的培养方案。有道智学 v2.1.2
- 流利阅读每日听读新鲜英语新闻外刊 轻松考研高效学英语流利阅读
每日听读新鲜英语新闻外刊 轻松考研高效学英语
- 马蜂窝 v10.8.6马蜂窝-城市周末玩法,旅游攻略查询马蜂窝 v10.8.6
- Moonbeam v2.1.1Moonbeam is the easiest way to discover your next favorite podcast.Moonbeam v2.1.1
Moonbeam is the easiest way to discover your next favorite podcast.
- 滑呗 v3.9.8滑呗是一个专业的手机滑雪应用,帮助你记录滑雪数据,和雪友分享滑雪动态,学习提高滑雪技能,购买优惠滑雪装备、行程和雪票,更有专业摄影师在全国各地为你拍滑雪美照!滑呗 v3.9.8
- Tripadvisor v37.4.16Tripadvisor旅行者之选,是一份凝聚了全球旅行者智慧和经验的榜单,覆盖目的地、景点、酒店、航空公司以及餐厅,代表着获奖者具备优异的品质、服务和价值Tripadvisor v37.4.16
- 陌陌 v9.1.7MOMO是一款开放式移动社交应用。新版本全方位融入直播、短视频等视频元素,建立了沉浸式、场景化的社交方式,是目前中国最大的泛娱乐泛社交平台。陌陌 v9.1.7
- 喵喵机v5.23喵喵机—便携错题打印机。实用爆款、多位明星倾情推荐、全网销量领先的错题打印机。喵喵机v5.23
- 猫眼v9.30猫眼电影是国内观众喜爱的观影平台,为您提供了在线购票服务。同时,猫眼电影还为您提供电影预告片、票房查询、电影排行榜、影视资讯等信息。猫眼v9.30
- 慕课v3.19中国大学MOOC(慕课)是由网易公司与教育部爱课程网携手推出的在线教育平台,汇集中国顶尖高校的MOOC(慕课)课程。在这里,每一个有意愿提升自己的人都可以免费获得最好的高等教育。慕课v3.19
- 美孚英语商务成人英语语法讲解,口语听力练习美孚英语
- 蚂蚁短租蚂蚁短租」是国内具有影响力的短租民宿预订平台;全球百万套精选优质民宿房源,带你任性睡遍全世界!蚂蚁短租
- 马蜂窝马蜂窝旅游,全球旅游消费指南马蜂窝
- 陌陌MOMO是一款开放式移动社交应用。新版本全方位融入直播、短视频等视频元素,建立了沉浸式、场景化的社交方式,是目前中国最大的泛娱乐泛社交平台。陌陌
- 猫呼 v0.7.0猫呼,是一款基于电话聊天的娱乐社交app,是一款陌生人语音聊天的社交工具,目前已下线猫呼 v0.7.0
- 皮皮 v2.6.7皮皮APP,年轻人都在玩的扩列神器!带给你丰富多彩的沉浸式社交体验,随时随地扩列交友,终结你的孤单!皮皮 v2.6.7
- 澎湃新闻 v7.2澎湃新闻— 一个不断进步、勇于尝试并创新的时政与思想新媒体平台。澎湃新闻 v7.2
澎湃新闻— 一个不断进步、勇于尝试并创新的时政与思想新媒体平台。
- Yahoo Fantasy Sports v10.40.3ahoo Fantasy Sports is the #1 rated fantasy sports app to play Fantasy Football, Fantasy Baseball, Fantasy Basketball, Fantasy Hockey, Daily Fantasy, Tourney Pick’em Best Ball & more.Yahoo Fantasy Sports v10.40.3
ahoo Fantasy Sports is the #1 rated fantasy sports app to play Fantasy Football, Fantasy Baseball, Fantasy Basketball, Fantasy Hockey, Daily Fantasy, Tourney Pick’em Best Ball & more.
- 全民K歌v6.21.8腾讯官方KTV平台,随时随地轻松创作,让你的舞台,被全世界看见全民K歌v6.21.8
- 青柠钱包已更名或已下线青柠钱包
- 人人v1.1同城交友软件人人v1.1
- 人人贷借款手机贷款借钱急速放款人人贷借款
- 每平每屋 v0.26.1每平每屋,一站式提供装修服务,满足你的美家需求!每平每屋 v0.26.1
- 腾讯手机管家v15.1腾讯官方出品,苹果全球开发者大会展示App, 超过12亿用户信赖,免费的手机安全管理工具, 精准识别骚扰来电,过滤垃圾短信,远离诈骗腾讯手机管家v15.1
腾讯官方出品,苹果全球开发者大会展示App, 超过12亿用户信赖,免费的手机安全管理工具, 精准识别骚扰来电,过滤垃圾短信,远离诈骗
- 淘票票v9.46淘票票,不仅是电影和现场演出在线选座购票平台、观影观演决策平台,还有最新的娱乐资讯,与丰富的电影花絮,更有电影达人的深度解读和大众影评,提供多维度种草拔草参考。淘票票v9.46
- 躺平阿里巴巴旗下家居家装平台,装修把控、品质尖货、服务到家,打造你的理想家。躺平
- 腾讯新闻腾讯新闻是腾讯公司为iPhone用户精心打造的一款全天候、全方位、及时报道的新闻产品,为用户提供高效、优质的资讯、视频、直播服务。腾讯新闻
- ViaThink of Via like a shared shuttle that comes when you want, where you want.Via
Think of Via like a shared shuttle that comes when you want, where you want.
- VRV v1.26.0VRV is the premier streaming service built around fandoms. Enjoy a carefully curated selection of popular and up & coming sci-fi, comedy, and anime video content. Catch irreverent fan-favorite indie shows, watch the newest anime on Crunchyroll, and enjoyVRV v1.26.0
VRV is the premier streaming service built around fandoms. Enjoy a carefully curated selection of popular and up & coming sci-fi, comedy, and anime video content. Catch irreverent fan-favorite indie shows, watch the newest anime on Crunchyroll, and enjoy
- Wisdom v1.5.1Wisdom provides the advice you need at the moment you need it from the only person in the world who can provide it. Now more than ever, the world needs wisdom!Wisdom v1.5.1
Wisdom provides the advice you need at the moment you need it from the only person in the world who can provide it. Now more than ever, the world needs wisdom!
- 网易有钱网易有钱记账是网易公司于2015年7月推出的一款支持自动同步的专业记账管钱软件。采用手动与自动相结合的多维记账方式,并预置多种账本模板,满足用户多样化的记账需求(目前已下线)。网易有钱
- 网易云音乐网易云音乐是一款专注于发现与分享的音乐产品,依托专业音乐人、DJ、好友推荐及社交功能,为用户打造全新的音乐生活。网易云音乐
- 网商银行网商银行以服务小微企业、支持实体经济、践行普惠金融为使命,希望做互联网银行的探索者和普惠金融的实践者,为小微企业、个人创业者提供高效、便捷的金融服务。网商银行
- 丁香医生 v10.1.6丁香医生聚焦院外健康场景,为大众提供专业可信赖的多元化健康场景解决方案, 致力于成为健康生活方式向导。丁香医生 v10.1.6
丁香医生聚焦院外健康场景,为大众提供专业可信赖的多元化健康场景解决方案, 致力于成为健康生活方式向导。
- 学而思培优v7.11“学而思培优”,手机端官方学习软件,是一款有趣又专业的中小学学习软件。课程覆盖数学、英语、语文、物理、化学、生物、历史、政治等多个学科学而思培优v7.11
- 新氧新氧SOYOUNG,中国互联网专业医美平台,提供查询、挑选和预约医美服务新氧
- 喜马拉雅「听书社区」电台有声小说相声评书喜马拉雅
- 鲜知鲜知app是一款微博阅读软件,软件微博出品,简单极速,可以帮助用户高效阅读自己喜欢的微博内容(已更名或已下架)鲜知
- 小花钱包小花钱包为年轻人打造的一款互联网钱包,提供现金借款、代还信用卡等服务小花钱包
- 雪球雪球,聚集3500万投资者。提供沪深港美股票交流交易,公募、私募理财服务,为投资者提供多样化的财富管理方式,助力投资者把财富雪球越滚越大。雪球
- 虾米音乐虾米音乐是专业的音乐内容发现及消费平台,依托曲库全、分类细,同时致力于扶持原创音乐(目前已下线)虾米音乐
- Eve 大姨妈日历 v3.6.5Eve by Glow 是一款专为希望掌控自己性生活的女性而打造的性健康应用,它从多个不同角度来呵护女性健康:避孕与节育,排卵与生育,月经,经期症状与经期趋势。Eve 是目前唯一囊括了性健康、经期健康以及生育健康的追踪应用,也是专为性生活活跃的年轻女性而打造的综合性健康应用,帮助她们掌控自己的生理周期,畅享亲热时光。姑娘,开始使用 Eve 吧!Eve 大姨妈日历 v3.6.5
Eve by Glow 是一款专为希望掌控自己性生活的女性而打造的性健康应用,它从多个不同角度来呵护女性健康:避孕与节育,排卵与生育,月经,经期症状与经期趋势。Eve 是目前唯一囊括了性健康、经期健康以及生育健康的追踪应用,也是专为性生活活跃的年轻女性而打造的综合性健康应用,帮助她们掌控自己的生理周期,畅享亲热时光。姑娘,开始使用 Eve 吧!
- Foodvisor v5.1.0Foodvisor is your wellness guide, providing personalized nutrition and workout for every motivation.Foodvisor v5.1.0
Foodvisor is your wellness guide, providing personalized nutrition and workout for every motivation.
- 薄荷健康 v10.1.6专业饮食管理和健康记录工具薄荷健康 v10.1.6
- 医鹿v6.6.4阿里健康全新升级为医鹿,成为你信赖的在线医疗服务平台医鹿v6.6.4
- 有知有行v0.5.1有知有行想做的,正是带你回归投资的本质,打开投资的大门,去看看我们投的到底是什么、这个市场是如何变化的。我们想把投资这件小心翼翼的大事,变成生活中一件踏踏实实的小事。有知有行v0.5.1
- 一刻相册 v2.1.0一刻相册是百度网盘团队出品的云相册App,使用与百度网盘相同的安全存储技术。拥有ISO/IEC 27001和ISO/IEC 27018 两项国际信息安全认证,全方位保护云端相册安全。在一刻相册存照片和视频,更智能更安心。一刻相册 v2.1.0
一刻相册是百度网盘团队出品的云相册App,使用与百度网盘相同的安全存储技术。拥有ISO/IEC 27001和ISO/IEC 27018 两项国际信息安全认证,全方位保护云端相册安全。在一刻相册存照片和视频,更智能更安心。
- 音乐圣经v5.2.2权威的古典音乐资料库,专业的唱片信息指南 海量的无损音乐,优质而上乘的听觉享受 强大的搜索功能,快速精准的找到你想要的信息 提供拍照、图片识别让你的查询更快更便捷 以唱片会友,结识全国各地兴趣相投的好友 网罗古典音乐优质视频,畅享在音乐的世界里,为黑胶唱片,古典音乐爱好者打造一个专属平台,和我们一起在这里分享,你的心情、你的故事、你的音乐信仰,音乐圣经——做经典音乐的百科全书音乐圣经v5.2.2
权威的古典音乐资料库,专业的唱片信息指南 海量的无损音乐,优质而上乘的听觉享受 强大的搜索功能,快速精准的找到你想要的信息 提供拍照、图片识别让你的查询更快更便捷 以唱片会友,结识全国各地兴趣相投的好友 网罗古典音乐优质视频,畅享在音乐的世界里,为黑胶唱片,古典音乐爱好者打造一个专属平台,和我们一起在这里分享,你的心情、你的故事、你的音乐信仰,音乐圣经——做经典音乐的百科全书
- 洋葱学院v5.19洋葱学园是一款风靡全国学生用户的在线学习App!专注研发小学、初中、高中、数学、物理、化学、语文、英语、生物等教材同步课程,授课采用轻松、有趣的动画视频,结合老师风趣、易懂的讲解方式,5分钟传授一个知识点,配合课后智能推送拓展习题,帮助学生更好的实现智能化学习体验!洋葱学院v5.19
- 优酷优酷中国知名视频网站,优酷App为用户提供电视剧,电影,动漫,音乐,新闻,娱乐,游戏,原创搞笑等海量影视优酷
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- 壹钱包壹钱包是中国平安旗下的一站式金融生活购物平台,致力于为用户的每一分创造价值。壹钱包
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With the FloSports app, you can stream live events, original films, and exclusive coverage from 25+ sports in the FloSports Network
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Impulse is the metronome that lets you program virtually any combination of downbeats, upbeats, subdivisions, and rests.
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